Thursday, 2 July 2009

And so this life is love unknown

Graduation came and went. The boys flat came and went.
Now after moving into the girls flat I find myself a little more settled in the "real" world after LST. With a lack of internet also I have really enjoyed not being able to log on to facebook or any other sites. Now I'm findind it ever so frustrating again! If it wasn't for my photo's I would probably delete my account...

So here I am again back in the library at LST. Except this time it is not for college work its for youthworker responsibilitys. The last couple of days I have been able to really get stuck in with what I'm going to be doing over the summer. LOVE IT.

This last week has been pretty awesome, fully of people, bbqing, making waffles, tennis, sun, amongst other things living OUT of college. next year looks to bring much joy and happiness.

last night I went to see ice age 3 in 3d AMAZING. go see it now.
Still adjusting but keeping busy.

Going home on sunday, must look up trains!!